Individual Therapy

All of us struggle at times with overwhelming events: loss, personal tragedies, life transitions, forms of emotional or physical pain, and relationship difficulties. When these challenges are coupled with cognitive or affective mental health symptoms or addiction, the problems are compounded.  Given these many stressors, we can easily become overwhelmed, stressed out or afflicted by psychological symptoms.  Most of the clients I see have already exhausted typical, “common sense” solutions and need to address their difficulties at a deeper, more foundational level, getting to the root of their problems.  We work together to sort out life’s issues, cope with, manage, and/or resolve psychological challenges. This process provides an opportunity to come into a different, inner relationship to the challenges you’re facing.  It enables you to find new vantage points as well as resources from within, which are identified and then mobilized to bring about change.  

I understand that when we are in pain, we simply want it to go away and that is the goal with which many people come into therapy.  I very much respect this goal and will work with you on reducing psychological symptoms, while at the same time, remaining open to other, unique possibilities which might unfold in this healing process.  Even amidst suffering there can be a sense that there is more to life.  In this way, therapy can also be a journey both into the depths of one’s being and to the very heights of one’s potential.  It is here then, in therapy, that we may find meaning and purpose as to just why we are here and how best we might use this precious time and resources.