Long Term Work
A part of my practice is dedicated to long-term work with couples, families and individuals. Some clients decide to continue on with therapy after initial issues are addressed. Clients often start out with the intention of doing short term work. While I am quite comfortable working short-term, I’m also aware that for others there’s a calling to embark on longer term work that is fulfilling and meaningful. I deeply value providing a consistent, nonjudgmental, welcoming space to embark on this deeper work. I join with my clients to utilize the pathways which carry meaning and fit with their individual outlook.
For couples, it can be helpful to have a neutral, supportive person that has both your backs so to speak while also keeping the relationship front and center. Dedicating time and prioritizing couple work pays dividends, something that’s so foundational yet often gets overlooked in the fast-paced, overscheduled lives we tend to lead this day in age. Families will often work with me for a time, take a break, and then return for a tune up or to address new challenges. I always make efforts to accommodate returning clients who I’ve worked with in the past.